Preise und Stipendien

2 PhD scholarship positions – ERC project LAWHA

Ca’Foscari University of Venice


Two funded PhD positions are offered in the International PhD Programme in the History of Arts at Ca’Foscari University of Venice as part of the ERC Starting Grant LAWHA, hosted by the Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB). LAWHA proposes a shift of perspective in approaching Lebanon’s art world by focusing on the multi-dimensionality of artists’ individual trajectories.
As a PhD candidate, you will be a core part of the LAWHA project team, and are expected to carry out a substantial part of your fieldwork in Lebanon. You will write your PhD thesis on a subject relating to either artists of Armenian origin in Lebanon’s art world (PhD 1) OR women artists in Lebanon’s art world (PhD 2) within the overall frame of the project, support the project team in the organization of workshops, contribute to data collection and building the content of the database and digital platform, and participate in international conferences.

Kontakt für Bewerbungen:
Dr. Nadia von Maltzahn,