Preise und Stipendien

Doctoral Award: Visual History of Earth System Models

Trinity College Dublin


Applications are sought for a fully funded four-year Provost’s PhD Project Award to begin at Trinity College Dublin in September 2022 as part of the research project A Visual History of Earth System Models from 1972 to Present led by Dr Timothy Stott (Trinity College Dublin). The PhD research will be a case study of the visual culture of Met Eireann (The Irish Meteorological Service), with a focus on its contributions to international climate research and to Irish visual culture during this period. The PhD researcher will also work with the PI to develop an analytical framework to study the visual culture of Earth System Science.

The award comprises the student’s full PhD tuition fees (EU or non-EU) and an annual stipend of €17,316.

Kontakt für Bewerbungen:
Dr Timothy Stott,