Preise und Stipendien

Eiermann Postdoc-Stipendium

Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur der ETH Zürich


The Egon Eiermann Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), Department of Architecture (D-ARCH), ETH Zurich offers a one year postdoctoral research position to be filled as of 1 October 2024. The Egon Eiermann Fellowship is awarded to postdoctoral researchers in the history and theory of architecture who focus on modern architecture in Europe and related topics.

The fellow is invited to engage in D-ARCH activities, particularly within the framework of the Doctoral Programme in the History and Theory of Architecture and the Center for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA). The fellow is provided full access to existing resources (e.g. technology platforms, gta Archives, ETH Library). The stipend corresponds to a standard ETH Zurich postdoctoral salary. The fellow pays the own travel costs and accommodation. A workspace is provided.

Kontakt für Bewerbungen:
Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung