Preise und Stipendien

Paul Mellon Centre Senior Fellowships

Paul Mellon Centre


Senior Fellowships are offered annually to academics, established scholars or senior museum professionals in the field of British art and architectural history either to complete a manuscript or book for publication or to undertake a sustained period of research towards a major project.

They are designed to release Fellows from teaching and/or other employment responsibilities and provide them with a defined period to devote to writing or research.

Senior Fellowships are awards of £60,000, this can be taken as either:
- Replacement teaching or staff costs and paid directly to either the Fellow’s University or Institution
- A lump-sum grant if the Fellow is an independent or freelance scholar
The Centre does not pay full economic costs.

Senior Fellowships are for the academic year 2024/2025 and may be taken between September 2024 and September 2025.