Preise und Stipendien

Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Research Fellowship 2021–22

The Morgan Drawing Institute


The Drawing Institute will award one Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Fellowship 
to an advanced-level graduate student who has completed all course work and exams and is currently engaged in carrying out research leading to the completion of a doctoral dissertation in the history of art, a significant component of which pertains to the history, theory, collecting, function or interpretation of drawings.

The Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Research Fellow is expected to spend her/his fellowship period in residence at the Morgan Library & Museum. The majority of the Fellow’s time will be spent on the dissertation and related research projects, but the Fellow is expected to participate fully in the intellectual life of the Morgan and to attend Drawing Institute programs during her/his tenure. The Fellow may be asked to assist in the planning and implementation of Drawing Institute programs.

Stipend: $32,400 for 9 months, September/October 2021–May/June 2022, plus a travel allowance intended to support or subsidize a short research trip.

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