Smithsonian American Art Museum Fellowship Program
Scholars from any discipline who are researching topics relating to U.S. art, craft, and visual culture are encouraged to apply.
Die Kunst des Trauerns. Gezügelte Gefühle in den Bildkünsten, 1750–1850
Die Tagung möchte Fragen rund um das historische Trauerthema weitflächig nachgehen.
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 06.–07.12.2024
- Hochschule/Forschung, Museum, Nachwuchs, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Architektur, Bildhauerei, Grafik/Buchmalerei, Ikonografie, Malerei, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Nordamerika, Osteuropa, Skandinavien, Spanien/Portugal, Kunst des 19. Jh.s
Forsyth Visiting Graduate Student Fellowships
This fellowship provides up to three Master's and PhD students financial support to join the Department of History of Art at the University of Michigan for an academic year of study, writing, and interaction.
CIMA Fellowships
Each year the Center for Italian Modern Art (CIMA) awards multiple Fellowships to support research on and the study of Italian modern and contemporary art.
I Tatti / Dumbarton Oaks Joint Fellowship 2024–2025
I Tatti and Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection offer a joint, residential fellowship for the 2024–2025 academic year.
The Audrey Flack Short Term Fellowship
One fellowship is awarded at the predoctoral, postdoctoral, or senior level for a one-month term.
The Betsy James Wyeth Fellowship in Native American Art
This joint fellowship at SAAM and the National Museum of the American Indian is awarded for a twelve-month term at the predoctoral level or a nine-month term at the postdoctoral or senior level.
SIFP Fellowships
Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior researchers to conduct independent research.
Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Fellowships are intended for emerging researchers to complete work on projects related to the Scholars Program’s annual theme Extinction or African American Art History Initiative (AAAHI).
Getty Scholar Grants
Scholar Grants support established researchers and professionals who have held PhDs for at least 5 years and/or possess strong records of publication and professional activity.
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen religiös-sozialer Gemeinschafts- und Identitätsbildung in der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine
Der Workshop geht der Frage nach Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines kollektiven brüderischen Gemeinsinns in unterschiedlichen sozialen, institutionellen und kulturellen Kontexten nach.
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 27.–28.07.2023
- Angewandte Künste, Architektur, Gartenkunst, Malerei, Nordamerika, Kunst des 19. Jh.s
Transatlantic Perspectives in American and German Art History: The Darmstadt Mastodon, 1800-present day
This is an extraordinary opportunity to see how the Mastodon skeleton, discovered in 1801, influenced art, science, and culture in the United States.
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 14.06.2022
- Museum, Malerei, Nordamerika, Kunst des 19. Jh.s
Programm des 36. Deutschen Kunsthistorikertages online!
01.02.2022 – Das reichhaltige Programm des 36. Deutschen Kunsthistorikertages in Stuttgart (23.–27. März 2022) steht ab sofort auf der Kongress-Website zur Verfügung. Der Ticketshop wird in Kürze geöffnet. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
- Dt. Verband für Kunstgeschichte, Hochschule/Forschung, Museum, Denkmalpflege, Freie Berufe/Selbständigkeit, Nachwuchs, Dt. Kongress für Kunstgeschichte, Bildung, Digitale Kunstgeschichte, Kulturpolitik, Kunstgeschichte inklusiv, Kunstvermittlung, Kuratieren, Topografische Bildmedien, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Angewandte Künste, Architektur, Fotografie/Film, Grafik/Buchmalerei, Kunsttheorie, Malerei, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Nordamerika, Osteuropa, Spanien/Portugal, Kunst des Mittelalters, Kunst des Barock, Kunst des 19. Jh.s, Kunst des 20. Jh.s, Zeitgenössische Kunst
Thomas Mann Fellowships
Das Thomas Mann House vergibt Junior und Senior Fellowships für das Jahr 2023 zum Thema „The Political Mandate of the Arts“.
Terra Foundation Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellowship for American Art (2022–24)
The Fellowship enables a young researcher specialising in American Art to live in Paris for two years (2022–24) and teach a seminar on American visual culture.
Terra Foundation for American Art Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022/23
INHA has partnered with the Terra Foundation for American Art to offer 2 one-year postdoctoral residential fellowships.
Clark Fellowships
The fellowships are intended to nurture a variety of disciplinary approaches and support new voices in art history.
Junior/Senior Fellowships at CAPAS
We invite applications for up to 10 Junior or Senior Fellowships for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Future Bodies from a Recent Past – Sculpture, Technology, and the Body since the 1950s
Das dreitägige Symposium widmet sich den Bezugslinien von Technologie und Körper in der Skulptur seit der Nachkriegszeit.
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 21.–23.01.2021
- Hochschule/Forschung, Museum, Digitale Kunstgeschichte, Kuratieren, Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Bildhauerei, Kunsttheorie, Großbritannien, Nordamerika, Osteuropa, Kunst des 20. Jh.s, Zeitgenössische Kunst
CfP: Re-Conceiving an Ancient Wonder. The Afterlife of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, 1500–1850
The international workshop will be held at RWTH Aachen University on 24–26 June 2021.
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 24.–26.06.2021
- Architektur, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Niederlande, Nordamerika, Osteuropa, Skandinavien, Spanien/Portugal, Kunst der Renaissance, Kunst des Barock, Kunst des 19. Jh.s
Terra Foundation Fellowship in American Photography 2021/22
The fellowship gives the opportunity to conduct photo-historical research into American photography in the Rijksmuseum collection.
Terra Foundation Research Travel Grants 2021
The grants provide support to scholars for research topics dedicated to the art and visual culture of the US prior to 1980.
Terra Summer Residency Fellowships 2021
Global sanitary conditions and safe travel permitting, the 2021 Terra Summer Residency in Giverny, France, will be held from June 7 until August 6.
Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Research Fellowship 2021–22
The Drawing Institute will award one Samuel H. Kress Predoctoral Fellowship to an advanced-level graduate student.