Against Identity? Discourses of Art History and Visual Culture in Italy
Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 09.–10.12.2021
- Ort
- online // Florenz (I)
- Veranstalter
- khi.fi.it
Doctoral and Early Career Researchers Conference
Even though use of the term ‘identity’ has increased exponentially in the field of art history, it remains a fluid, controversial, and potentially toxic category. Considering the specificities of Italian art and visual culture, the workshop will focus on the concept of ‘identity’, investigating its definitions, its uses, and the problems they pose, by analyzing works of art and artistic phenomena across the centuries (from the Middle Ages to Modernity) in relation to historiographical and methodological discourses.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
- Veranstaltungsort:
- For online attendance via Zoom please register here.