Annual VKKS conference: Imaginaries of the Landscape. Media, Materials, Makers
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 04.–05.05.2023
- Ort
- Genf (CH)
- Veranstalter
- vkks.ch
Annual conference of the Swiss Association of Art Historians (VKKS | ASHHA | ASSSA) in cooperation with the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA), and the University of Geneva.
The impetus for this conference came from the ever-increasing interest in landscape not only in art and art history but also in several other disciplines (anthropology, environmental science, geography, literature, philosophy). At the same time landscape, with its fraught relationship to nature, has become an increasingly complex and ambiguous term. Rather than aiming at a synthesis, this conference is designed to provide a forum for exploring various approaches to the art and architecture of landscape in various media at diverse places and moments in history.
The registration is binding (for catering). Participation is free of charge. Please register until 23 April 2023.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.
- Anmeldeschluss:
- 23.04.2023
- Veranstaltungsort:
Université de Genève
Bâtiment Colladon