
© Alicja Rogalska & Łukasz Surowiec

CfP: Artistic, Architectural and Political-Economic Performance in the Interplay of Productivity and Temporality

Mozarteum Salzburg
Museum der Moderne Salzburg

Salzburg (A)

The motifs examined and discussed in the publication Notions of Temporalities in Artistic Practice, such as the choir as a community figure, processes of ageing, the question of the symbiosis of architecture and nature, the question of historiography and that of speculation, should be enlarged by further aspects and discussed under the perspective of the question of productivity. The conference Artistic, Architectural and Political-Economic Performance within the Interplay of Productivity and Temporality, explore these questions from the fields of art theory, architectural theory, artistic practice, political economy, urban theory, sociology, history, etc.

For the forthcoming conference, we invite scholars and researchers to submit proposals that address historical and contemporary forms of productivity and its social and asthetical manifestations, both on a practical and theoretical level.

Museum der Moderne Salzburg
Mönchsberg 32
5020 Salzburg