CfP: Re-Conceiving an Ancient Wonder. The Afterlife of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, 1500–1850
Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte der RWTH Aachen
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 24.–26.06.2021
- Ort
- Aachen
- Veranstalter
- halicarnassus.rwth-aachen.de
Our workshop aims for a coherent and comprehensive discussion of the ways in which written descriptions of the vanished Mausoleum of Halicarnassus informed Early Modern architectural theory, representations and design. It will result in a collective publication on the topic.
While we are interested in all proposals concerning the period 1500–1850, topics from the seventeenth and nineteenth century will be especially welcome, since they remain underrepresented amongst the several key speakers already selected.
The workshop will be held at RWTH Aachen University on 24–26 June 2021. We invite scholars to submit proposals (max. 1 page) for 20-minute talks that can later be developed into full-length book chapters. Abstracts should be sent to until 31 January 2021.
- Einsendefrist:
- 31.12.2020
- Veranstaltungsort:
RWTH Aachen
Lehrstuhl für Architekturgeschichte
Schinkelstraße 1
52062 Aachen