(Im)material Michelangelo
Rome Art History Network
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 25.–26.05.2021
- Ort
- online via Zoom
- Veranstalter
- romearthistorynetwork.com
The 6th International postdoctoral Conference by the Rome Art History Network focuses on the problem of reproducing, representing, or copying Michelangelo’s sculpture from the 16th century to today between artistic practice and criticism.
Reproducing an artwork, independently of the purpose (artistic, documentary, or scientific) and of the medium used, inevitably involves acts of interpretation and remediation. This is particularly true for Michelangelo’s sculpture, due to his peculiar way of engaging with materials, as he overtly exposed traces of his working process through the uneven treatment of surfaces and the use of fragmented or sketched elements, according to the well-known poetics of the non finito. The conference will consider the transforming reception of Michelangelo’s plastic works and their translation in other media, like painting, drawing, printing, photography, and cinema, reconstructing the artist’s historiographic path over time and all over the globe.
Talks in English and Italian.
For participation via Zoom, you find the link HERE.
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