9th Summer Course for the Study of the Arts in Flanders: Belgian Fin de Siècle
Flemish Art Collection
- Veranstaltungszeitraum
- 22.06.–02.07.2025
- Ort
- Flandern (B)
- Veranstalter
- vlaamsekunstcollectie.be
Annually, the Summer Course for the Study of the Arts in Flanders brings a select group of 15 highly qualified young researchers to Flanders. They are offered an intensive 11-day program of lectures, discussions and visits related to a specific art historical period of Flemish art. The 9th edition of the Summer Course focuses on Belgian fin de siècle. The program pays specific attention to gender, the social and political context (popular culture, urban development, world exhibitions, colonialism) and the changing visual culture and art market. The program is interdisciplinary and includes artistic focuses on painting, sculpture, drawings, prints, architecture, design, literature, photography, fashion and theater.
Participants have a master’s degree or are PhD student, junior curator or restorer with a focus on nineteenth century art, and more specifically fin de siècle. The master’s degree was earned maximum 10 years ago.
The participation fee of the Summer Course is fixed at €1400 (including VAT) per person.
- Anmeldeschluss:
- 23.03.2025