Clark Fellowships
The Clark Art Institute
- Bewerbungsfrist
- 15.10.2021
- Website
- clarkart.edu
Fellowships are awarded every year to established and promising scholars with the aim of fostering a critical commitment to inquiry in the theory, history, and interpretation of art and visual culture. As part of our commitment to fostering diverse engagements with the visual arts, RAP particularly seeks to elevate constituencies, subjects, and methods that have historically been underrepresented in the discipline. These fellowships are intended to nurture a variety of disciplinary approaches and support new voices in art history.
Applicants should hold a PhD or demonstrate equivalent professional experience. They may come from the academic or museum worlds, or from other professional backgrounds, and may be residents of any country. They may be employed, full- or part-time, or be independent scholars, curators, and/or critics. The Clark does not award pre-doctoral fellowships. Fellowships are awarded on a scale related to need and earnings, up to a maximum rate of $30,000 per semester.