Preise und Stipendien
Bewerbungsfrist: 30.06.2023

PhD Student Fellowship “BRAIN 2.0: ProvEnhance”

The PhD project is part of the larger research project ProvEnhance: Enhancing the provenance data of the collections of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium (RMFAB) since 1933. The PhD-research position is part of the work package "Study of the Belgian Art Market 1933 – 1960" (WP4). It will provide the opportunity for a PhD candidate to analyze the Belgian art market during WWII.

We offer a two-years renewable contract as PhD candidate, with a fellowship paid on a monthly basis. The annual amount of the fellowship is based on the ULB and FWB scale. A budget for research-related travel will be available as well.  The contract will start on 1 September 2023.

veröffentlicht am: 13.06.2023, Quelle:, 09.06.2023