Lissabon (PT)

5th Congress of Art History

The Portuguese Association of Art Historians (APHA) is currently promoting the V Congress of Art History, with the theme “Art History: Legacies, Debates and New Perspectives”. This meeting aims to encourage and affirm the area of Art History in the national scientific environment and to project it internationally. We therefore appeal to the active participation of all those who make the discipline their modus vivendi, such as researchers, scholars, teachers, students and other professionals connected with heritage, whether in monuments or museums, or in town councils, libraries or archives.

Interested in discussing and reconsidering the concept of the discipline, its own work methodology and the main challenges faced today by the art historian, APHA proposes three distinct areas of reviewing: the theoretical inheritance received by the local Art History; the current debates and research paths; and the new directions of Art History, at an international level.

Participants will be invited to demonstrate the relevance and pertinence of the Art History for the knowledge of the artistic object, starting from case studies or from broader issues.

Einsendefrist: 31.03.2023
veröffentlicht am: 27.02.2023, Quelle: APHA